
Our curriculum intends to build the scientists and informed citizens of the future. We aim for students to leave us with a secure knowledge of a wide range of scientific concepts, an understanding of the importance of science in society and an ability to engage passionately with conversation about developments in science. We aim to provide students with the practical and analytical skills necessary to study science at a higher level should they choose, and to make well informed decisions that will enable themselves, their families and their wider communities to flourish. 

In Year 7, students are introduced to the fundamental threshold concepts that underpin the study of science. Students study Biology (Cells, Movement, Human Reproduction, Interdependence, Photosynthesis and Plant Reproduction), Chemistry (Particle Model, Atoms, elements and compounds, separating mixtures, chemical reactions, metals & non-metals and the Periodic Table) and Physics (energy transfers, heating & cooling, work, forces & pressure, speed and space) over the course of the year. 

In Year 8, students build on their knowledge of the three disciplines looking at the following topics; Biology (Breathing, Respiration, Digestion, Variation, evolution and inheritance) Chemistry (Acids & alkalis, Energy changes, Reactivity, Earth’s structure, Earth’s resources and Climate change) and Physics (Current, potential difference & resistance, Magnets & electromagnets, Wave properties & effects, Sound and Light).

In Year 9, students develop their Year 7 and 8 knowledge of cells, looking in more detail at the following topics in Biology (Cell structure, Cell division, Transport in cells, The digestion system, The heart, Blood, Respiration and Disease).  In Chemistry, students revisit the concept of an the particle model and atomic structure (The periodic table, Chemical bonds, Reactions of metals and acids and the energy changes that occur during these reactions). Within their Physics units, students look at the energy in greater depth, studying the following topics (Energy changes in a system, Conservation and dissipation of energy, Energy in electrical circuits, Domestic electricity and National and global resources, an introduction to nuclear physics).

In Year 10, students continue to build on their understanding of cells through the plant biology and homeostasis and drug development units as well as their understanding of ecology (photosynthesis, organisation of ecosystems and biodiversity) during their Biology unit.  Within the Chemistry units, students develop their understanding of the particle model through chemical calculations, electrolysis, rates of reaction and reversible reactions.  Within their Physics unit, students build on their knowledge of forces, looking at forces, their impact on motion, momentum and Newton’s Laws followed by a unit developing their KS3 knowledge of both waves and the particle model.

In year 11 students complete their GCSE course and will sit their AQA Combined Science examinations. The most challenging content that requires students to make links between a range of different fundamental scientific concepts are studied in Year 11 as students have developed the substantive and disciplinary knowledge required.  This includes the following topics - Biology; (Classification, Reproduction, Variation and Evolution), Chemistry (Organic Chemistry, Chemical Analysis, Chemistry of the Atmosphere and Using the Earth’s resources) and Physics; (magnetism and electromagnetism).  The final GCSE examinations consist of six written examinations of one hour and fifteen minutes, with two exams for each science specialism.

In year 12 and 13 students can choose to study Alevels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics which build on the content from GCSE and prepares them for University or an Apprenticeship. Our KS5 curriculum is outlined in our curriculum map and continues to build on the fundamental concepts that we first study in Year 7.  Students are exposed to a range of new practical apparatus and techniques so that they can develop the investigative skills required to continue to study science beyond KS5. Our Sixth form offer has led AIM North London students on to study at top Universities in Biomedical Science, Chemical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering.